
Hoskinson Challenges Musk & Kiyosaki on Trump RNC Speech


Crypto News—Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson sharply criticized Donald Trump’s recent speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC). At the same time, influential figures such as Elon Musk and Robert Kiyosaki supported the former president.

Hoskinson Challenges Musk & Kiyosaki on Trump RNC Speech

Hoskinson Challenges Musk & Kiyosaki on Trump RNC Speech

  • Cardano creator Charles Hoskinson criticized Donald Trump’s RNC speech.
  • Hoskinson supported Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a pro-crypto presidential candidate.
  • Conversely, Elon Musk and Robert Kiyosaki backed Trump.

In public statements, notable tech and finance leaders discussed former President Donald Trump’s RNC speech. While some praised it as a significant address, others saw it as a missed opportunity. This debate prominently featured Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson’s critical perspective against the supportive comments from Elon Musk and Robert Kiyosaki.

Hoskinson’s Critique of Trump’s RNC Speech

Charles Hoskinson called Trump’s speech a “missed opportunity.” He said, “I thought it was one of the biggest missed chances for a powerful and unifying speech.” According to Hoskinson, instead of offering a visionary message, Trump’s speech was filled with past grievances and policy debates.

Hoskinson expressed disappointment that the speech failed to address crucial issues. He described it as a “sad” moment for the Republican party but voiced his support for Robert Kennedy Jr. as a unifying figure.

Hoskinson also criticized the Democratic Party’s current state, calling it “a headless government” with President Biden being “replaced behind the scenes.” He emphasized the need for authentic leadership and democratic consent and disapproved of an open convention replacing the primary process.

Hoskinson argued that America needs a unifying vision and strong leadership. He compared Trump’s RNC speech to Ronald Reagan’s 1980 acceptance speech and his first address to Congress after an assassination attempt, both of which he viewed as excellent examples of leadership.

Elon Musk & Robert Kiyosaki’s Reactions

Entrepreneur and angel investor James Calacanis praised Trump’s ability to connect with a broad audience, saying, “Trump is appealing to moderates and even some lifelong Democrats by speaking to all Americans in a way the Democrats have forgotten.”

Calacanis highlighted the importance of a positive message and urged Democrats to create an inclusive environment and listen to their constituents. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, agreed with Calacanis’ views.

On the other hand, Robert Kiyosaki, author and Bitcoin advocate, praised Trump’s RNC performance. He described the event as “electric” and called Trump “amazing” and “bulletproof.” Kiyosaki criticized President Joe Biden’s administration for increasing inflation and compromising national security.

He summarized Trump’s plan as straightforward: “Do business or get poor. Keep the military strong or face consequences. Bring jobs back and boost American production. Stop welfare checks. Drain the government of ineffective bureaucrats.”

Kiyosaki expressed confidence that Trump, with JD Vance as Vice President, would provide 12 years of solid governance and make America “great, rich, and powerful again.”

Broader Implications

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, these differing opinions reflect the broader national debate. The contrasting views of Elon Musk, Robert Kiyosaki, and Charles Hoskinson highlight the intense discussions that will shape the political landscape. Additionally, crypto figures like Vitalik Buterin opposed single-issue voting for pro-crypto candidates like Trump.

This article expands on these key points and provides more context for new readers, aiming to offer a clearer understanding of the ongoing political and financial discourse surrounding Trump’s RNC speech.

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